Letter Talk


Letter Talk is a podcast hosted by me, Alyssa, where I write letters to YOU…and various businesses and other people/places/things. Some letters are heartfelt, some are funny, some are weird. Even if I don’t know you, I’ll write you a heartfelt letter and send it to you in the mail (if you’re not creeped out by me having your address).

About Alyssa

I’m a comedy lady of some sort: I’ve done standup, podcasts, and experimental comedy. More importantly I’m a human who likes to write letters, and a creative type who likes to make things. Find more of my stuff on this here Laugh Owens Laugh website or visit Alyssapants.com.


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Let’s Be Pen Pals

5716 Folsom Blvd. #177
Sacramento, CA 95819

Please note: I may read your letter on the air, so let me know if you don’t want that!

If you’d like to receive a letter from me fill out this handy dandy form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezxxq9lS

Mail Bag Episodes

We’re in the process of migrating everything! Check back here later. 🙂