Holiday Party! is a podcast about the “important” holidays in our lives. Come celebrate with hosts Disa and Alyssa as they learn and talk about some of the most under-appreciated, yet so important holidays.
It’s party time!
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Latest episodes:
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] JUNE 16TH 2021 – NATIONAL CANNOLI DAY with Kevin Scott BrownHAPPY NATIONAL CANNOLI DAY! Join us as we celebrate the lovely dessert tubes of flavor! Today we’re partying with dessert fan and one-time attempted cannoli chef Kevin Scott Brown (@truerealkevin on twitter)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] MAY 6 – MAY 12 2020 – NATIONAL NURSES WEEK with Deidre EmersonHAPPY NATIONAL NURSES WEEK! Join us as we celebrate the people out there doing heavy lifting in hospitals and saving lives. Today we’re partying with sister, master Tweeter and nurse Deidre Emerson (@lilredrooster)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] MARCH 9TH 2021 – NATIONAL GET OVER IT DAY with Amy CowanHAPPY NATIONAL GET OVER IT DAY! Join us as we celebrate moving on with your life or callously telling people to shut up about their problems! Today we’re partying with someone who was really disconcerted when we told her what the topic was, Amy Cowan (AmyACowan.com)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] NOVEMBER 30TH 2020 – NATIONAL PERSONAL SPACE DAY with AdamHAPPY NATIONAL PERSONAL SPACE DAY! Join us as we celebrate our personal bubbles and keeping our hands to our goddamn selves! Today we’re partying with personal space aficionado and friend Adam (Twitter: @mrmadamadam / Instagram: @mrmadamadam)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] OCTOBER 31ST 2020 – NATIONAL MAGIC DAY with Annie SaundersHAPPY NATIONAL MAGIC DAY! Join us as we celebrate sleight of hand, illusion and fun mystical stuff on this day where there’s only one holiday happening (which is National Magic Day)! (NOTE: This episode is not about Magic: The Gathering, Magic Johnson, or Magic Mike.) Today we’re partying with magic fan, beloved DJ and jewelry… Continue reading [HOLIDAY PARTY!] OCTOBER 31ST 2020 – NATIONAL MAGIC DAY with Annie Saunders
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] SEPTEMBER 25TH – NATIONAL ONE-HIT WONDER DAY with Cody Skinner and Norm QuarrintonHAPPY NATIONAL ONE-HIT WONDER DAY! Join us as we celebrate the artists that made a single thing people loved and then disappeared into the night. Today we’re partying with Cody Skinner and Norm Quarrinton (@NormanQ on Twitter)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] JULY 31 & DECEMBER 2ND – NATIONAL MUTT DAY with Nicki FuchsHAPPY NATIONAL MUTT DAY! Join us as we celebrate those mixed breed dogs that fill our lives with joy. Today we’re partying with dog pal Nicki Fuchs (@nfewks on Instagram and Twitter)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] APRIL 12 2020 – NATIONAL GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH DAY with Dan KaprHAPPY NATIONAL GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH DAY! Join us as we celebrate those delicious cheese filled dreams. Today we’re partying with pal, comedian and grilled cheese fan Dan Kapr (Twitch.TV/DanHasJokes)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] MARCH 26 2020 – MAKE UP YOUR OWN HOLIDAY DAY with Kevin TitHAPPY MAKE UP YOUR OWN HOLIDAY DAY! Join us as we celebrate making up even more things to celebrate. Today we’re partying with celebrated friend, celebrated comedian and celebrated music man Kevin Tit!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] FEBRUARY 26 2020 – INCONVENIENCE YOURSELF DAY with Amy CowanHAPPY INCONVENIENCE YOURSELF DAY! Join us as celebrate everything the stuff that gets in the way of other stuff. Today we’re celebrating with the lovely and sometimes inconvenient Amy Cowan (aacowan.com)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] JANUARY 16 2020 – NATIONAL NOTHING DAY with Norm QuarrintonHAPPY NATIONAL NOTHING DAY! Join us as we celebrate the vast emptiness of the lack of anything. Today we’re celebrating with writer and fellow fan of nothing Norm Quarrinton (Twitter: @NormanQ)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] DECEMBER 19 2019 – NATIONAL EMO DAY with Cory BarringerHAPPY NATIONAL EMO DAY! … I guess join us, as we talk about emo music or whatever. Do what you want, I don’t feel good today. Today I guess we’re celebrating with a super cool person and we’re surprised he even noticed us: comedian and musician Cory Barringer (Twitter: @HunkyCory / Instagram: HunkyCory / The… Continue reading [HOLIDAY PARTY!] DECEMBER 19 2019 – NATIONAL EMO DAY with Cory Barringer
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] NOVEMBER 17 2019 – NATIONAL UNFRIEND DAY with Steven ChenHAPPY NATIONAL UNFRIEND DAY! Join us as we celebrate kicking the squares out of your friends lists on social media! Today we’re partying with funny dude and victim of unfriending Steven Chen (Twitter: @stevenchenshow / Instagram: gifilterfish)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] OCTOBER 17 2019 – INTERNATIONAL ROLLERSKATING DAY! PART 1 & 2!! with Deidre EmersonHAPPY INTERNATIONAL ROLLERSKATING DAY! Join us as we celebrate putting wheels on our feet, traveling on a surface and then falling down! Today we’re partying with roller skating aficionado and cool sis Deidre Emerson!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] SEPTEMBER 30 2019 – INTERNATIONAL PODCAST DAY! with Amy CowanHAPPY INTERNATIONAL PODCAST DAY! Join us as we celebrate the thing that we’re doing while we’re celebrating it! Today we’re partying with pal and beloved guest Amy Cowan (aacowan.com)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] SEPTEMBER 24 2019 – NATIONAL TYPO DAY! with Pete MustoHAPPY NATIONAL TYPO DAY! Jon us as we celebrate those typgrpacial erros that we all kno and love! Today we’re celebrating with pal and comedian Pete Musto (midnightgardenersleague.com / Facebook: MidnightGardenersLeague)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] SEPTEMBER 2019 – NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH! with Dan KaprHAPPY NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH! Join us as we celebrate having our shit together when life surprises us with disastrous bullshit! Today we’re celebrating with friend and comedian Dan Kapr (danhasjokes.com / Twitter: @danhasjokes / Instagram: danhasjokes)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] AUGUST 26 2019 – NATIONAL TOILET PAPER DAY! with Amy CowanHAPPY NATIONAL TOILET PAPER DAY! Join us as we celebrate the amazing rolls of paper we rub our nether regions with! Today we’re celebrating with friend, sister and toilet paper user Amy Cowan (aacowan.com / Twitter: @aacowan / Instagram: aacowan)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] AUGUST 5 2019 – NATIONAL UNDERWEAR DAY! with Brenna CullyHAPPY NATIONAL UNDERWEAR DAY! Join us as we celebrate everything from thongs to bodysuits or whatever we wear underneath! Today we’re celebrating with friend and underwear expert Brenna Cully (Twitter: brenna_jo)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] JULY 17 2019 – NATIONAL TATTOO DAY! with Nicki FuchsHAPPY NATIONAL TATTOO DAY! Join us as we celebrate getting inked and heart shapes that say “Mom”! Today we’re celebrating with comedian, engineer in biotech, and tattoo owner and enthusiast Nicki Fuchs (Twitter: @nfewks / Instagram: @nfewks)!! LET’S PARTY!!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] JUNE 17 2019 – GLOBAL GARBAGE MAN DAY! with Amy CowanHAPPY GLOBAL GARBAGE MAN DAY! Join us as we celebrate the brave people who haul away all the crap we don’t want anymore. Today we’re celebrating with the best sister in the world, Amy Cowan (Twitter: @aacowan / RereadingMyChildhood.com)! Let’s party!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] MAY 27 2019 – NATIONAL CELLOPHANE TAPE DAY! with Elizabeth NormanHAPPY NATIONAL CELLOPHANE TAPE DAY! Join us as we celebrate the sticky stuff that’s keeping your cracked window together. Today we’re celebrating with friend, comedian, art educator and craft supplies expert Elizabeth Norman (Twitter: @lizzynormal / Instagram: lizzynormal / elizabethnorman.net)! Let’s party!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] MAY 17 2019 – NATIONAL GRADUATION TASSEL DAY! with Donnie SengstackHappy National Graduation Tassel Day! Join us as we celebrate those thingies on top of your weird cardboard hat on this important holiday. Today we’re celebrating with friend, comedian and vaguely recent tassel-wearer Donnie Sengstack (Twitter: @donsengstack / Instagram: donstengstack / donniesengstack.com)! Let’s party!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] APRIL 24 2019 – NATIONAL PIGS IN A BLANKET DAY! with Cody SkinnerHappy National Pigs in a Blanket Day! Join us as we celebrate meat wrapped in pastries on this important holiday. Today we’re celebrating with friend, comedian and pigs in a blanket enthusiast Cody Skinner (Twitter: @codyskinnerfan)! Let’s party!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] APRIL 15 2019 – NATIONAL LAUNDRY DAY! w/ Andrew HallHappy National Laundry Day! In this episode we learn the ins and outs of our clothes, and laundry. We’re celebrating this week with comedian and laundry aficionado Andrew Hall! (Instagram: andrewhallpass / Twitter: @andrewhallpass / Facebook: MidnightGardenersLeague / Twitter: 12amGardeners / Instagram: MidnightGardeners)
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] APRIL 3 2019 – FIND A RAINBOW DAY!Today we’re celebrating the the wonderful Find a Rainbow Day! An important, holy holiday in which we find some rainbows! YES!
- [HOLIDAY PARTY!] MARCH 31 2019 – WORLD BACKUP DAY!Today we’re celebrating the glorious World Backup Day! An important, holy holiday in which we ensure that we backup all of our digital data. What a day to celebrate!